Major Sponsors of the Fall Folk Festival |
The Fall Folk Festival committee wishes to express our sincere thank you and appreciation to our wonderful sponsors. Their generous support makes it possible for us to bring this FREE weekend of entertainment and education to Spokane and the Inland Northwest. Again, our deepest thanks.
Major Sponsors of the Fall Folk Festival 2019
Platinum Level ($3,000+) |
The Inlander, Spokane’s weekly free newspaper, is published every Thursday and is available at more than 700 Spokane locations throughout the Inland Northwest. The Inlander was founded on independence – on the unwavering conviction that free and independent journalism helps a community thrive, that local ownership is best and that, in the end, a paper belongs to everyone.
City of Spokane
Spokane City Hall Office of the Mayor 808 W. Spokane Falls Blvd. Spokane, WA 99201 City of Spokane - Spokane Cultural Fund supports grants intended to fund cultural festivals, fairs and programs for culturally under represented populations. These include events or workshops with a cultural focus. Activities funded by the grants must be free and open to the public.
Gold Level ($1,000 to $2,999) |
Avista Foundation, a community investment program of Avista Utilities, provides funding to non-profit organizations addressing the needs of communities and citizens served by Avista Utilities in eastern Washington, northern Idaho, portions of southern Oregon and Sanders County, Montana.
Kit Brennick
State Farm Insurance Agent & State Farm Insurance |
Innovia Foundation is a community foundation that connects donor generosity to our region’s most pressing causes. The foundation collaborates with partners to drive community transformation across eastern Washington and north Idaho. It works together with other groups to address and solve our region’s problems, help those in need, identify and respond to our region’s greatest opportunities, and leave a lasting impact. The community foundation currently manages over 500 funds valued at over $120 million and has awarded over $70 million in grants and scholarships since its inception.
and |
Washington State Arts Commission
711 Capitol Way S., Suite 600 PO Box 42675 Olympia, WA 98504-2675 360.753.3860 The Washington State Arts Commission advances and supports arts and culture in Washington State through leadership, knowledge, funding and resources that build participation in and access to the arts. The commission improves community vitality, aesthetics and education by supporting high quality arts and arts education endeavors.
National Endowment for the Arts is an independent federal agency supporting artists and arts organizations and bringing the arts to all Americans.
Silver Level ($750 to $999) |
Eric C. Johnson
Bronze Level ($500 to $749) |
Jerry LeClaire
Redman Family Fund
Fran Watson and Mary Rush