Friends of the Fall Folk Festival |
We gratefully acknowledge the support of our Friends of the Fall Folk Festival sponsors. The festival is made possible by generous donations from individuals and business sponsors, as well as the proceeds from the sale of buttons and T-shirts. In addition, the performers, festival organizers, and workers generously donate their time.
Business & Association Friends 2024
Hero ($200 to $499)
Supporter ($100 to $199)
Advocate ($50 to $99)
Supporter ($100 to $199)
- The Clay Connection
- North Division Bicycle Shop
- Westminster United Church of Christ
Advocate ($50 to $99)
- Inland NW Bluegrass Music Association
- Spokane Taiko
Friends of the Festival 2024
Hero ($200 to $499)
Supporter ($100 to $199)
Advocate ($50 to $99)
Contributor ($20 to $49)
We thank you all for your incredible generosity.
- Carey Eyer
- Terry and Margaret Herron
- Barbara Keefe
- Oakley Fund at Innovia Foundation
- Lisa Wickes and Tom McLuen
- Fran Watson and Mary Rush
Supporter ($100 to $199)
- James R Bennett IV
- Sue Bracken
- Dan and Donna Burt
- Leonard Butters
- Bryan Chaffe
- Galen Chamberlain
- Linda and Randy Crowe
- Dale Damron
- Susan Dankovich and Ken Raymond
- Joan DeGroot
- Jill and Scott Eckberg
- Jenny Edgren
- Carol Ellis
- Coy B Fullen Jr
- Don and Donna Graham
- Peter and Janet Grossman
- Peter Guthrie
- Peggy O'Connell and Jim Hallett
- Margaret Heller
- Dawn Holladay and Bill Siems
- Eugene Jablonsky
- Bob and Diane Lloyd
- Joanne Lundby
- Andrea McCrady
- Mary Naber
- Catharine Roth
- Rose Schultz
- Susan and Blair Strong
- Heidi Vissering
- Karen Wilson-Bell
- Don and Judi Young
- Anonymous
Advocate ($50 to $99)
- Art Bookstrom
- Curt Chambers
- James Conner
- John Elwood & Sally Burkhart
- Sylvia Gobel
- Jim & Sheila Harless
- Clint and Catherine Hill
- Maureen McGuire
- Steve Russman
- Steven and Kathleen Sackett
- Greg and Lucinda Saue
- Dennis and Nora Scott
- Richard Strehlau
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Contributor ($20 to $49)
- Rod Anderson
- Jill Beth
- Beverly Burbank
- Nolan Dahman
- Edward Day
- Melanie Delcid
- Mary Henderson-Greene
- Brad Keeler
- Judy Lungren
- Jane Nelson-Low
- Chris and Norma Petersen
- Stephanie Rinne
- Rev. George Taylor
- Darcy Varona
- Jerry White
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
We thank you all for your incredible generosity.