Accommodations & Transportation |
Here is a list of moderately priced hotels within 5 miles of Spokane Community College (SCC). The Spokane Fall Folk Festival is not affiliated with any of these hotels, has not coordinated with them, and has no control over room rates and conditions. We supply this information for your convenience only.
Downtown Spokane
Hotel Information |
Miles from SCC |
2.4 miles West |
2.5 miles West |
2.5 miles West |
3.2 miles West |
3.2 miles West |
2.5 miles West |
2.1 miles West |
Spokane Valley
Hotel Information |
Miles from SCC |
3.7 Miles East |
3.5 miles East |
3.7 miles East |
3.5 miles East |
2.0 miles East |
3.7 miles East |
Transportation Information
Visit the Spokane Transit Authority's Routes & Schedules page for information about the #29 bus from Downtown Spokane to SCC.
Visit the Spokane Transit Authority's Routes & Schedules page for information about the #29 bus from Downtown Spokane to SCC.