Fall Folk Festival & KPBX's
Special Note: The broadcast described on this page took place on the opening day of the 2021 Fall Folk Festival. The full broadcast is now available as four podcasts on Spokane Public Radio's From the Studio website. Check it out.
SPR is delighted to help kick off the 26th annual Fall Folk Festival once again with a two-hour program featuring festival performers. The program will be hosted by SPR Music Director, Verne Windham, and Kevin Brown of Front Porch Bluegrass. Because this year's festival is again a virtual festival, our SPR program will originate from the Performance Studio located in Spokane Public Radio, an historic firehouse renovated by SPR in 2015.
The KPBX 91.1 Radio program will be broadcast from 11 am to 1 pm on Saturday, November 13, and will feature both new and established festival performers. Our goal is to provide listeners an idea of what can be heard at the festival and the strong traditions of folk music in our region. More details about this annual program is available at SpokanePublicRadio.org. Attendance will not be possible, but you’ll be able to hear the program on radios at KPBX at 91.1, mobile devices, smart speakers and streaming on SPR’s website.
The KPBX 91.1 Radio program will be broadcast from 11 am to 1 pm on Saturday, November 13, and will feature both new and established festival performers. Our goal is to provide listeners an idea of what can be heard at the festival and the strong traditions of folk music in our region. More details about this annual program is available at SpokanePublicRadio.org. Attendance will not be possible, but you’ll be able to hear the program on radios at KPBX at 91.1, mobile devices, smart speakers and streaming on SPR’s website.